Network problems that Android users experience especially in their most urgent times are now inevitable. Not registered on network error is one of these errors. Not registered on the network, which prevents calling and messaging, is one of the indispensable errors of most Android users.
Not registered on network error is a common problem with most smartphones with Android operating systems, and it occurs when you don’t expect it or need network connection the most.
This error usually appears when you try to make a call or send a message. Some network-related problems in the background of your Android smartphone cause you to encounter an error such as Not registered on the network error in the most urgent case. So what are the reasons for the Not registered on the network error?
What causes the “Not registered on network” error?
- Problems caused by your SIM card
- New SIM card or provisioning issue
- Unknown network problem
- Software errors of the smartphone
- Third party apps that will affect your network connection
Most of the time, it may not be possible to fix the Not registered on network error with a single step. As we mentioned above, this problem can have a number of causes, and several steps may need to be done in a row in order to eliminate this error.

Not registered on network error solutions
- Method # 1: Restart the phone.
- Method # 2: Make sure your SIM card is activated.
- Method # 3: Reinsert the SIM card.
- Method # 4: Install phone updates.
- Method # 5: Reset network settings.
- Method # 6: Put the phone in safe mode.
- Method # 7: Reset the phone to factory settings.
After applying these methods, you will eliminate the Not registered on network error easily and quickly. After applying all the methods to the finest detail, you should definitely restart your phone once. The reason for this is that you are recommended to restart your phone at least once to see the effect of some software changes you have made on your phone.
Method # 1: Restart the phone:

Some network problems can be minor errors left behind by temporary bugs in your phone. These errors can cause these errors to grow if the smartphone has been running continuously for a long time or if Android has coding changes that it cannot fix on its own, and Android may not be able to fix these errors on its own. In most cases, errors such as Not registered on the network will disappear on their own. But it can also be fixed by restarting the phone.
If you can easily remove your battery on your Android phone, instead of restarting the phone, you can remove the battery and wait for a few seconds. If you cannot easily remove your battery, as is the case with most new generation Android phones, you can Google how to restart your phone healthily and quickly.
Method # 2: Make sure your SIM card is active:

If your line has not yet been activated by your operator, you may still encounter the error not registered on the network . If you moved your line to a new operator, your carrier may be in the process of activating your SIM card. In such cases, you may not be able to use the services supported by your card because your SIM card is not active yet.
To solve this, you need to contact the customer service of your operator. After the time given to you by your carrier has expired, your SIM card will be available and automatically resolved the not registered on the network error .
Method # 3: Reinsert your SIM card:

- Step # 1: Turn off your phone so that your data is not lost.
- Step # 2: Gently pull your SIM card out of its slot.
- Step # 3: Clean around the nest with a dry or slightly damp cloth to prevent damage.
- Step # 4: Reinsert your SIM card in the slot and start your phone.
Another solution for the not registered on network error is to reseat your SIM card. Your Android phone may not be able to detect your SIM card due to some contact problems in the slot where you placed your SIM card. Therefore, you may not be able to make any calls or send messages using your SIM card.
Method # 4: Install phone updates:

Updates coming to your smartphone are very important for innovations and solving errors on the phone. For this, instead of ignoring the updates that come to your smartphone from time to time, installing them will help your phone to solve such errors by itself, such as not registered on the network .
If your smartphone’s automatic updates are not active, you can manually check and install software updates from the phone’s settings. Apart from this, updates to your applications are also very effective in solving errors. If you do not want to keep track of updates constantly, you can activate the auto-update feature.
Method # 5: Reset network settings:

- Step # 1: Go to Settings, General.
- Step # 2: Click on Backup and Reset.
- Make sure to back up all your important data before doing this procedure.
- Step # 3: Click the Reset Network Settings button.
- Step # 4: Reset your network settings by confirming the step.
Resetting network settings is a common solution for all network-related problems you experience. This reset does not result in complete data loss, but all your Wi-Fi settings, Bluetooth connections, saved mobile networks, VPN and APN settings will be completely erased with this reset.
Method # 6: Put the phone in safe mode:

Safe mode is a mode where you can stop the functions of third party apps by simply activating them when you think any app is harming your phone. While in safe mode, your phone will suspend all third party apps. All apps, including original apps for your phone, excluding Google services , are considered third parties .
If you do not get the Network not registered error again after you put your phone in safe mode, you can understand that third party apps are causing the error. Every Android phone has its own way to boot in safe mode. You can search for key combinations on Google for how to start in safe mode according to the brand and model of your phone .
Method # 7: restore the phone to factory settings:

The last method you can go is to return the phone to factory settings . We do not recommend that you switch to this method before trying the first methods. Because when you restore your phone to factory settings; Everything stored on your phone will be completely deleted and the phone will return to its original state.
Basically, your phone’s software environment will be cleaned and restored to its known factory working state. This process will cause you to reset the applications, images, messages, network settings and many things in your phone. The “not registered on network error” can also be resolved as all your settings, including your network settings, will be reset . Before trying this method, you should make a backup of your important information on your phone.