In the fast-paced world of video editing, every second counts. That’s where keyboard shortcuts come to the rescue. Adobe Premiere Pro, a powerhouse in the video editing industry, offers a plethora of keyboard shortcuts that can significantly enhance your editing workflow. In this post, we’ll explore more than 50+ essential keyboard shortcuts that will help you navigate, edit, and polish your projects with ease.
Why Should Use Adobe Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts?

Using keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Premiere Pro can significantly improve your workflow and efficiency. While keyboard shortcuts can greatly enhance your editing experience, it might take some time to get used to them. However, the investment in learning these shortcuts can pay off in increased productivity and a more enjoyable editing process.
Adobe Premiere Pro General Shortcuts
Let’s start with some general shortcuts that every Premiere Pro user should know. These shortcuts cover essential actions like creating a new project, saving your work, undoing and redoing actions, and basic editing functions. Here are the Mac and Windows shortcuts for these tasks:
Action | Mac Shortcut | Windows Shortcut |
New Project | ⌘ + ⌥ + N | Ctrl + Alt + N |
Open Project | ⌘ + O | Ctrl + O |
Save Project | ⌘ + S | Ctrl + S |
Undo | ⌘ + Z | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | ⇧ + ⌘ + Z | Shift + Ctrl + Z |
Cut | ⌘ + X | Ctrl + X |
Copy | ⌘ + C | Ctrl + C |
Paste | ⌘ + V | Ctrl + V |
Duplicate | ⌥ + ⌘ + / | Alt + Ctrl + / |
Select All | ⌘ + A | Ctrl + A |
Deselect All | ⌘ + ⇧ + A | Ctrl + Shift + A |
Toggle Full Screen | ⌘ + ⌥ + F | Ctrl + Alt + F |
Toggle Workspaces | ⌘ + ⇧ + ` | Ctrl + Shift + ` |
Preferences | ⌘ + , | Ctrl + , |
Export Media | ⌥ + ⌘ + M | Alt + Ctrl + M |
Render Effects in Work Area | ⌘ + R | Ctrl + Enter |
These general shortcuts provide a foundation for your editing tasks. Whether you’re starting a new project, saving your work, or navigating the interface, these shortcuts will definitely speed up your workflow.
Premiere Pro timeline navigation shortcut keys
Efficiently navigating your timeline is crucial for video editing. Premiere Pro offers several keyboard shortcuts to help you move through your project with ease. Here are some essential timeline navigation shortcuts:
Action | Mac Shortcut | Windows Shortcut |
Play / Stop | Space | Space |
Go to In Point | ⌘ + | | Ctrl + | |
Go to Out Point | ⌘ + ⇧ + | | Ctrl + Shift + | |
Go to Next Edit Point | ⇧ + K | Shift + K |
Go to Previous Edit Point | ⇧ + J | Shift + J |
Go to Next Marker | M | M |
Go to Previous Marker | ⌥ + M | Alt + M |
Go to Next Keyframe | K | K |
Go to Previous Keyframe | ⌥ + K | Alt + K |
Go to Next Clip | ⌥ + ⇧ + D | Alt + Shift + D |
Go to Previous Clip | ⌥ + ⇧ + A | Alt + Shift + A |
Next Panel Tab | ^ + ⇥ | Ctrl + Tab |
Previous Panel Tab | ^ + ⇧ + ⇥ | Ctrl + Shift + Tab |
These timeline navigation shortcuts will help you move swiftly through your project, whether you’re searching for specific edit points, markers, or keyframes. These shortcuts can be a game-changer when you’re working on complex video editing projects.
Adobe Premiere Pro editing shortcut keys
Editing is at the core of video production, and Premiere Pro provides numerous keyboard shortcuts to make the editing process smoother. From cutting and pasting clips to clearing in and out points, these shortcuts will enhance your editing capabilities. Here are some essential editing shortcuts:
Action | Mac Shortcut | Windows Shortcut |
Lift | ⌥ + ⌫ | Alt + Backspace |
Extract | ⌥ + ⇧ + ⌫ | Alt + Shift + Backspace |
Ripple Delete | ⌥ + ⌦ | Alt + Delete |
Slip | ⌥ + ⌘ + S | Alt + Ctrl + S |
Slide | ⌥ + ⌘ + L | Alt + Ctrl + L |
Roll | ⌥ + ⌘ + R | Alt + Ctrl + R |
Razor at Current Time | C | C |
Select All on Track | ⌘ + A | Ctrl + A |
Nudge Clip Up | ⌘ + ↑ | Ctrl + ↑ |
Nudge Clip Down | ⌘ + ↓ | Ctrl + ↓ |
Nudge Clip Left | ⌘ + ← | Ctrl + ← |
Nudge Clip Right | ⌘ + → | Ctrl + → |
Clear In and Out | ⌥ + I | Alt + I |
Clear In | ⌘ + I | Ctrl + I |
Clear Out | ⌥ + O | Alt + O |
These editing shortcuts are invaluable when you need to perform precise edits, trim clips, or make adjustments to your timeline. With these shortcuts at your fingertips, you’ll be editing videos like a pro in no time.
Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts are a valuable asset for any video editor. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a beginner, investing time in learning and incorporating these shortcuts into your routine can lead to a more efficient, precise, and enjoyable editing experience.